Imagine all judgments about reality can be described in just three levels...
The first and lowest level of judgment, level 0, is about a subject based upon the immediate input relevant to the subject at hand...
The next level, level 1, is a conclusive judgment about the same subject based upon one or more immediately preceding, subordinate level 0 judgments about the same subject...
The final level of judgment, level 2, is a conclusive judgment based upon one or more preceding level 1 judgments, each potentially about a different subject...
The final level of judgment, level 2, is decided by integrating multiple disparate judgments about subjects from the two lower levels...
The final level of judgment, level 2, is a final judgment about the case considering the lower level 1 and level 0 judgments...
Now imagine that each judgment can be in either of two modes:
#1 certain and instinctive
-- or --
#2 uncertain and deliberative...
With only three levels of judgment and two modes, mixing certain/instinctive and uncertain/deliberative confidences, we can structure many cases...
If your app makes judgments and choices in such a structure but could become uncertain, in need of deliberation, call the AbsoluteMode Engine...
The AbsoluteMode Engine is callable by REST API. Using your prior cases presented in this levels structure, the engine first learns about your subjects...
It learns about how your subjects are integrated to reach a final level 2 judgment...
After training the engine decides your uncertain and deliberative judgments based upon what it has learned from your app...
A judgment to the engine is any proposition stated as an English sentence that your software reaches based upon its input...
If you are familiar with the notion of System 1 and System 2 thinking, the engine considers System 1 judgments to be decided fast, System 2 judgments deliberated...
Your app performs the System 1 judgments, and the AbsoluteMode Engine the System 2 judgments...
In this way your app can handle a greater combination of situations, of cases...
Please click on "Documentation" above for more details.